Saturday, April 24, 2010

Home Alone

It's Saturday. Last night was spent in my own abode sitting on the couch watching DVDs from Red box. Very cool, very peaceful. Here's my itinerary, at 1:30p.m. I'm off to do my volunteer work for hospice, where I get the opportunity to drive a patient's wife from one facility to another, so she can visit with her husband for about 3 hours. I usually pick her up again at 4:30 p.m. to take her back home. In between I'll spend a pleasant hour or so chatting with another hospice patient, a really gracious, classy 80-year-old woman so full of life and verve she always leaves me amazed. It's going to be a good day. Having some alone time has done wonders for my mood. At 5:30 tonight I'll return back to my place and sit in front of the TV again to just...chill. I'm loving it.

Yesterday, Megan, my niece, spent time with Dad, chauffeuring him around on some errands and fixing his dinner. Today and tomorrow my sister Jean will stop by for a short visit to check on Dad, and feed the dog. Cool. She was very willing to spend the entire weekend with him, however he wouldn't let her bring her dog. Vicky will drop by as well to tidy up the space where Dad has parked his bed. It's a pigsty. Nice to see what prevails when Debbie and I step aside. He'll be just fine.

Geez, I'm already looking forward to next Friday. Ciao.

P.S. Debbie called to "warn" me she's stopping by and will be staying the night. So much for alone time. It's alright though 'cause everything's back to normal for this weekend, and that's okay with me.

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