Thursday, July 28, 2011

So Here We Are

So after 3 cancellations (one by the fam because of dad's weakened state, two by the doctor because of poor scheduling) we are at the hospital with dad who is being delivered into the operating room as we speak to have the fishula put in. On a subconcious level, I think I'm scared to death. Any procedure for dad is scary these days. Our family was divided as to whether the thing should be put in at all however dad's kidney doctor and the vascular surgeon told us that if he's going to be continuing dialysis -- which is a must to preserve his life -- then he needs to have the fishula put in. During the prep the nurse noticed the TB shot dad had on Monday showed positive, which caused some concern and so they had to do a chest ex-ray. Then they had a lot of trouble finding a vein in dad's left arm that was working -- he's been so poked and prodded over the last few months that the nurse explained she could insert the needle but then would hit scar tissue. Finally, after a bit of moaning and groaning from the nurse, and dad, she got the needle in. Now let's just pray really heard everything's goes well. Before they rolled dad away he said he wanted to put in an order for a T-Bone steak. His thinking this morning was fairly clear, matter of fact, by the time I got to the hospital this morning -- a bit late after getting stopped by our friendly neighborhood law enforcement for speeding -- he'd signed all the paperwork.

Okay let us pray: Dear Lord - We love dad, and he's been through so much lately, please carry him safely through this procedure and in the weeks and months to come. We pray that the fishula placement is successful and opens up properly so that it can be used within the two to four month window (hopefully two months). Help us get him back to him own home and in the care of his loving family where he can begin to heal. Amen.

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