Friday, May 28, 2010


Well, I'm at the end of my weekend and back at Dad's. Oh so sweet a minute of time it was in my own dwelling, flies and all. About the flies...I spent all last night killing these big fat flies, flies so fat and so slow all I had to do was snap a towel and they dropped. But as soon as I got one, another showed up to take it's place. We did that dance until around 11:00 pm. I would swat, kill and toss in the toilet, then return to the kitchen where they seem to congregate and again, swat, kill and toss, swat, kill and toss. I couldn't figure out for the life of me where they were coming from. My sister, aka landlord asked her ex husband whom she divorced a couple of months ago, and she said that he said the flies had been hibernating in my house as babies and were just now coming of age. How the heck does he know that's how they got into the house? I don't leave my windows or doors open and it's hard for me to fathom over 20 flies and counting flew into the house to lodge somewhere until reaching adulthood. He suggested that I get one of those foggers to set off. Did that before I left today. Okay, he tells my sister to remind me to turn the heat off because some lady in the east coast left the heat on, the house blew up and they charged her with arson. Okay...turning the heat off I did not do. Great, the house is going to blow up, I'll lose all my sentimental valuables and either end up in jail or back at dad's house. After what sounded like the beginning of whimpering on my end, my sister/landlord agreed to check on the house to make sure it didn't blow up. Damn flies.

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