Tuesday, June 29, 2010

When You Get Little and I Get Big by Sheryl Gaskins

All the times you gave your day to Robbie and me and children's play,
When you had so much else to do, but dropped it all with an "I love you."
You'd let us draw or sing a song; you drew the line of right and wrong.
You told us what we could do then, or how it'd be "one day when..."
We were much too small to understand how life would be as a woman or man.
But you guided us and let us be the children that we were meant to be.
You'd let me dress up in old clothes and stand there in a wig.
I'd say to you with chest puffed out, "When you get little and I get big..."

"When you get little and I get bit, I'll do these things for you.
I'll find your clothes; I'll wipe your nose; I'll make you a nice dress.
I'll keep you warm and away from harm and show you how to rest.
I'll talk with you and let you know whatever's right and wrong,
And if you ever start to cry, I'll cheer you with a song
I know I'm very small right now, but there may come a day
That you'll be little and I'll be big, so I promise to repay
The precious love you give to me as I depend on you"

Now years have passed and I've become what you helped me to be.
A woman who can brave the storms and use her love to see.
A woman who with tons of tears discovered in the middle
that I was big, but God had somehow changed you to be little.
I understand what "big" can mean in this old, changing world.
I remember all those happy years and what you'd say and do.
And I use that memory now to do the exact same thing for you.

A memory you no longer have,
But that's OK, my dear.
For now you're little, but I am big.
And you have nothing to fear.

I found this at TheRibbon.com, a website for caregivers. It reminded me that one day, we'll all be little again.

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