Monday, July 26, 2010

Shorty Update

Okay so here's the deal, can't write in my blog while I'm at dad's 'cause he took away my privileges when his laptop went on the blink. Of course, after hinting that "someone" had messed with "something" they shouldn't have, he found out after fiddling with the cords connected from his desk top to the jack in the wall, that it was a loose connection. But if you think I've regained access to his office, you'd be wrong. Nope, door's still locked. So now I'm trying to drop a note or two on dad's progress and my progress dealing with dad, at work when I should be reviewing a policy or binding coverage. Whatever. So about dad...he's doing really well, I think. I even caught him walking around the house the other day without using his cane. When I mentioned it, he mumbled, "Well, I'm doing alright, but not one hundred percent, you know." I think he likes us all hanging around but he's just too stubborn to admit it. His cognitive abilities seem to be much improved since they changed his insulin to once a day. Dad says the new one-a-day meds are expensive and they don't the option of using it -- or even tell you there is a better option -- until after you've struggled with the cheaper stuff. Typical, when insurance companies are involved. But he's improving and that's what really counts. The other day I forgot to include one of his medicines in the med container -- I think he checks my work after I go upstairs. I'm usually very careful so it bothered me that I forgot to include a couple of pills, but he caught it and to be honest, I'm glad he's paying attention. Anyway, that's about it. Ciao.

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