Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Britney, the Gentiva Home Health nurse showed up at 7:30 a.m. bright and early this morning. The first words out of Dad's mouth when she walked into the living room where he's stationed, "You hurt me and I'll sue ya!" Britney smiled. According to Dad, when she performed the enema yesterday, which he's supposed to have 4 days in a row starting Monday, she didn't do a good job. "You didn't find the right hole," he complained. "All that pokin' around hurt. Does the hole move around?" he asked. Again, Britney smiled, patience a definite virtue. "Mr. Beck," she began, "there's only one hole and it doesn't move around." If you need an explanation regarding the "hole" in question, I'll give you one. For those of you who'd rather not go there--I don't blame you a bit--so skip down a few sentences. Apparently, and I just learned this tidbit myself, 12:00 of the stoma is a hole and to quote the Highlander, 'There can be only one'. Anyone who has two is probably in the Guinness book of records, as they should be. Well, the tip of the bottle filled with a saline laxative is inserted gently into the hole to...well, you know. I had to watch because should he become backed up again I will be performing this task. I don't mind, except the colostomy nurses said the stoma is very sensitive and I worry about causing irreparable damage. Anyway, he survived the procedure again today and now can't wait for Britney's visit tomorrow so he can tell her she put the wafer to his colostomy bag on wrong. Poor Britney. Not to worry, she can handle Dad. Although she is a young nurse, she's very patient and wise for her age.

In addition to the visit from Britney, the physical Therapist also paid Dad a visit today. His name is Bill. According to Dad, Bill was very pleased with his progress today. Considering last week about the same time he was so weak he couldn't even get out of the recliner chair, and his hiccups were so harsh he couldn't talk without gasping for breath, I'm not surprised Bill was ecstatic. Dad is not aware of this but only last week both the nurse and the physical therapist were so concerned by Dad's weakened state they called Dr. Jin, his primary care doctor to discuss his deteriorating condition. They said the doctor advised he may be ready for hospice. The brutal hiccups concerned Bill and he'd made the decision not to return until the hiccups were gone, as they were causing his heart to work harder. Dad's heart, not Bill's. Considering Dad has congestive heart failure, this is not good. I asked Nurse Britney not to talk to Dad about hospice until after his appointment with Dr. Jin on the 24th. In my opinion, just the mention of hospice may obliterate Dad's will, and we just can't have that. He's not ready for hospice; he's still fighting for life, as well he should. Don't worry Dad, this is one battle we're willing to fight with you. Says I!

Dad's improvement from last week is amazing. But we're not surprised, he's superman!

Thank you God for always listening!

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