Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good News and Bad News!

The good news first. Dad made it through the weekend without the catheter and without having to call paramedics to escort him back to the ER. On Monday, the neurologist inserted a scope into Dad's bladder (I think it was the bladder) and it showed no blockage (yea!). He's been home and doing pretty good. He's been walking around the house with his cane the last couple of days, which is a big difference from two weeks ago when he could barely stand on his own. Matter of fact, today he walked up the stairs. Big surprise to me, who was on the phone discussing client issues with my boss with my lap top plugged into the office. "Need to get on my computer now!" says Dad. Plenty loud enough for the boss to hear. Yes he did. Dad must have forgotten I was able to take care of him in the guise of actually working from home and that I was NOT on vacation just chillin'. I had to apologize to my boss, and explain that I was temporarily shutting down my computer (although I know she heard Dad in the background but pretended not to). My computer was plugged into the ethernet that also plugs into Dad's computer. In other words, only one computer can work at a time now that wireless is on the fritz. But you probably already know that. Sorry, I tend to explain anything computer-related as if the rest of the world is as computer illiterate as I am.

Okay, now on the flip side, he's been noticeably, and heartbreakingly, depressed the last few days. Not surprised considering how much he's been hit lately. But not sure what can be done to fix it, or even if there is a fix. And I'm not particularly in the mood to discuss it right now. Today was difficult, for Dad, and pretty much anyone who crossed his path. More later. Ciao.

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