Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm Thankful

I'm thankful for all the years I had when all of my family members were present, whole and able to laugh and joke about the silly things; while for a time, being completely and benignly oblivious that it could be anything but. I'm thankful for my amazing children, Tony and Michael; Melissa, my daughter-in-law, and my granddaughter, the Diamond monster. I'm thankful for the presence my mom represented in my life for the years I had her in it; for having a brother like Kenny who showed me by example how to be kind and good, and to chill when life is bustin' butts and taking no prisoners. I miss you! I'm thankful I am able to feel the pieces of my heart every time it breaks from the loss of mom and Kenny, because it reminds me of what I had and how blessed I am to have had them in my life. It also reminds me how important it is to continue to feel; the downside being that I could become so numb from loss that I stop feeling at all. I'm grateful for every day my Dad, a cantankerous and ornery 'ole dude--sometimes, yes he is--is still with us and the strength God gives us daily to do what we need to do to keep him with us. I'm grateful for Debbie because she makes me laugh when I don't always feel like it. And for Mary, my bestest friend in the whole wide world (bfitwww), who is a staple in my life that keeps me grounded, and who quite honestly, would haunt me into the afterlife if I didn't acknowledge her publicly as my bfitwww. I'm grateful to be surrounded by people and friends, who've been in my world for many years, and have kindly (and patiently), listened to my ramblings when I'd take the longest route to get to the point, any point. I'm grateful for my siblings, my nieces and nephews because they are good people, and I am reminded everyday what a blessing it is they are a part of my world. I'm grateful I woke up this morning to enjoy an overabundance of food, drink and family; especially grateful for all the libations, which helped keep me in a zen state--thanks to Lisa's cinnamon whiskey, yum--so I wouldn't forget my gratitude for family, especially when they piss me off, as family sometimes do God bless 'em. I'm blessed for the reminder that one day the faces around the table may not always be present and that I should appreciate the moments with them while I am being honored.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you God! You are so good to me!!

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