Thursday, December 30, 2010

Advice From the World's Worst Caregiver

Hey, I'm not good at the care giving thing, but here's what I've learned:

1) It's okay to be scared. I mean seriously, I've done things that should be reserved for trained medical professionals -- the operative word being "trained". I don't have any training. I should be scared. You should be scared.

2) On some days you're going to get pissed off. That's okay too. Humans sometimes get pissed off. I'm human. You're human too. Right? Right.

3) On some days you may experience a combo of bone tired + fear + anger = border line temporary insanity. Again, as long as you don't physically hurt the person you're caring for it's all good.

4) The love you have for the person you're caring for is your anchor. And God's standing by too, like a body guard, or a bouncer. HE won't let me (or you) deal by yourself. The power of prayer is incredible. I use it all the time. Try it. Can't hurt.

That's about it. Hey, I'll be all right. You'll be all right. We'll get through this together.

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