Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day!

I can hear Dad's voice (loudly) from downstairs. He's talking to Debbie about the economy and unemployment. Only 2-3 months ago we didn't even know if he would be here to see this day. He could barely walk on his own, he was plagued with horrible hiccups -- that we were told was a sign of his kidneys and other major organs shutting down and that it wasn't going to get any better -- that hospice should be called in. We've been blessed...I know that. I baked the ham Jean bought, made some mac and cheese and some good ole Southern greens that I have to admit were pretty darn good. I bought some inexpensive frames -- I'm into collecting picture frames that tell a story -- inserted some pictures that may not be familiar to everyone else and gave them as gifts. It was fun...for me anyway. There may have been mumblings about Christmas humbug or the weather...or loud obnoxious chatter and gregarious laughter brought on by too much cinnamon whiskey (yum), but all in all I thought it was a good day...more memories we may not have learned to appreciate fully until we're looking back on them through a stilled shot of events that, as soon as tomorrow, will be our past. Isn't that usually how it goes? Dad was pretty mellow...he ate some greens, ham and the cheesecake Vickie brought for desert, then sat in the living room listening to oldies music on the television.

A downside to the day came when I was perusing Face book and noted a comment from a relative in NY that I've never met, that Hack, mom's step father, had passed away on Christmas Eve. He was 91. I never met him, but it was like another piece of my mom slipping away. Life is so frickin' fragile -- and I still don't think we truly get that otherwise we'd omit the pettiness in our relationships.

Anyways, enough of the thought provoking crap. Bottom line, I'm grateful 10,000 times over that Dad is still with us...another Christmas, and I pray 2011 will be as kind.

God, thank you for this day!

1 comment:

  1. I think you have done an amazing job with a heart as big as the world. Love, Jean
